Tuesday, November 5, 2013

This I Believe Essay

Growing up in rural Kentucky, I was taken to church every Sunday. It was here that my belief system was created. It was also within the wall of the church that I found my mission in life. As an evangelical Christian, I believe that we should put the needs of others before our own. I am certainly not suggesting that I succeed in reaching this goal on a daily basis. However, I always do my best to think of my fellow man over myself.

A trip to Tanzania (a country in Eastern Africa) solidified this belief in me. Seeing the immense need of the people broke my heart. I longed to help them in any way that I could. The people of Tanzania are some of the happiest that you will ever meet despite the state of poverty in which they live. Having spent time with them, I have developed the belief that one should look for the silver lining in any circumstance they might encounter.

The experience that I gained in Tanzania only strengthened my desire to enter the field of education. I want to encourage the next generation of learners. I hope to show students that they are capable of doing anything they set their minds to. Also, as I am sure I will have students who come from tough backgrounds, I hope to show my students that I believe in and care for them.

I love to travel and hope to someday combine my passion for education and wanderlust. I aspire to be a globe-trotting English teacher. I hope to bring more than education to the people of foreign countries. My longing to teach abroad is about more than my personal desire to see the world. I hope that in teaching other peoples I can show them the love of Christ. In doing so, I aspire to play a small part in seeing the world become a friendlier place.  


  1. How inspiring. You are an amazing person and I am proud to know you.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this. I loved how you not only included what you want to do with your career, but why and the personal insight behind it.
