Friday, October 25, 2013

Teach English in Thailand | Teach Abroad with CIEE

A YouTube search lead me directly to the CIEE account where I found this video.

I found listening to another individual's personal account of their experience teaching abroad comforting. The thought of moving to a country thousands of miles from home is daunting. I've also had little teaching experience at this point, so that makes the prospect of teaching in a foreign country seem like an impossibility.

This video gave me the motivation to pursue this opportunity boldly and with confidence. I would hate to miss out on such an incredible experience because I was too afraid to try.


  1. That you are willing to risk so much shows how dedicated you are to this. It sounds like such a gratifying career!

  2. There are many opportunities to teach ESL as you serve as missionary. Wherevee you travel serve Him.

  3. Whatever you do and wherever you go, you will be great at it.

    1. Thanks Jamie! I appreciate the encouragement!
