Sunday, October 13, 2013

Why, hello!

Why, hello there! I'm Kaitlyn, and this is a blog dedicated to my dream job. So, what might my dream job be, you ask? A globe-trekking educator.

I haven't always known that I wanted to go into the field of education, but traveling has been a passion of mine from a young age. I love visiting new places, exploring the land and learning about the culture. Though I haven't yet traveled as much as I would like, I've visited some incredible places. Family vacations have taken me through much of the eastern coast of the United States. Over seas, I've had the opportunity to see the islands of the Bahamas and Tanzania, a country in Eastern Africa. 

Flight into Tanzania (June 2012)

Once I realized that I had been called to teach, I began wondering how I could incorporate my wanderlust with my career path. This blog will be an outlet in which I can explore such possibilities, share my thoughts on travel and education, and hopefully learn a thing or two from you! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." -St. Augustine