Tuesday, November 5, 2013

This I Believe Essay

Growing up in rural Kentucky, I was taken to church every Sunday. It was here that my belief system was created. It was also within the wall of the church that I found my mission in life. As an evangelical Christian, I believe that we should put the needs of others before our own. I am certainly not suggesting that I succeed in reaching this goal on a daily basis. However, I always do my best to think of my fellow man over myself.

A trip to Tanzania (a country in Eastern Africa) solidified this belief in me. Seeing the immense need of the people broke my heart. I longed to help them in any way that I could. The people of Tanzania are some of the happiest that you will ever meet despite the state of poverty in which they live. Having spent time with them, I have developed the belief that one should look for the silver lining in any circumstance they might encounter.

The experience that I gained in Tanzania only strengthened my desire to enter the field of education. I want to encourage the next generation of learners. I hope to show students that they are capable of doing anything they set their minds to. Also, as I am sure I will have students who come from tough backgrounds, I hope to show my students that I believe in and care for them.

I love to travel and hope to someday combine my passion for education and wanderlust. I aspire to be a globe-trotting English teacher. I hope to bring more than education to the people of foreign countries. My longing to teach abroad is about more than my personal desire to see the world. I hope that in teaching other peoples I can show them the love of Christ. In doing so, I aspire to play a small part in seeing the world become a friendlier place.  

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tips for Boosting Your Resume

Putting together a resume can be intimidating. Personally, I worry that my lack of experience will be made all too evident when I can count on one hand the number of jobs I've had. Make that one finger. I'm a senior in college and have had only one part-time job (if you don't count babysitting gigs, which most real careers do not.) On one hand, holding down a part-time job at a locally owned shoe store for over four years conveys my value as a committed employee. On the other hand, selling shoes doesn't necessarily garner the sort of experience needed to teach, especially in a different country. Therefore, as I begin creating an updated resume, I've searched out several websites offering tips to boost it. I found these sites particularly helpful:





Hope you find these sites useful as well!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Teach English in Thailand | Teach Abroad with CIEE

A YouTube search lead me directly to the CIEE account where I found this video.

I found listening to another individual's personal account of their experience teaching abroad comforting. The thought of moving to a country thousands of miles from home is daunting. I've also had little teaching experience at this point, so that makes the prospect of teaching in a foreign country seem like an impossibility.

This video gave me the motivation to pursue this opportunity boldly and with confidence. I would hate to miss out on such an incredible experience because I was too afraid to try.

CIEE Teach Abroad

While searching for teaching opportunities abroad, I stumbled across this website:


I've researched reviews of the organization, and the results were mixed. While many expressed positive experiences with CIEE, the vast majority of participants felt that it was over priced or doesn't offer adequate compensation. I'm just beginning the research process, so I'm not sure what would be considered a reasonable price/salary.

One major draw that I have gleaned from the website is the opportunity for enrichment grants. These grants are used to fund projects that will enrich the experience for participants, as well as the community they are working in. I like the idea of leaving the community you serve a bit better than when you entered it.

Again, I'm early in the research process, but teaching abroad through CIEE seems like a great experience.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Why, hello!

Why, hello there! I'm Kaitlyn, and this is a blog dedicated to my dream job. So, what might my dream job be, you ask? A globe-trekking educator.

I haven't always known that I wanted to go into the field of education, but traveling has been a passion of mine from a young age. I love visiting new places, exploring the land and learning about the culture. Though I haven't yet traveled as much as I would like, I've visited some incredible places. Family vacations have taken me through much of the eastern coast of the United States. Over seas, I've had the opportunity to see the islands of the Bahamas and Tanzania, a country in Eastern Africa. 

Flight into Tanzania (June 2012)

Once I realized that I had been called to teach, I began wondering how I could incorporate my wanderlust with my career path. This blog will be an outlet in which I can explore such possibilities, share my thoughts on travel and education, and hopefully learn a thing or two from you! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." -St. Augustine